St. James Catholic Church
Office- 530.756.3636
Fax - 530.756.5342
1275 B Street
Davis Ca 95616-2003
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8am-4:30 pm
St. Vincent DePaul Society
St. Vincent de Paul of Davis
assistance line: 530-979-4338
"The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic lay charitable organization. Our parish conference is committed to serving the short-term emergency needs of anyone seeking assistance.
The conference will consider the needs of any parishioner or any other member of the local community, when circumstances find them without food, shelter, clothing and other necessities of daily living."
How to Donate to St. Vincent dePaul in Davis
We provide urgently needed temporary rental assistance, utilities assistance, and food.
The St. James Conference of the St. Vincent dePaul Society is a non-profit, charitable organization under IRS Section 501(c)(3)
Send a check
Make the check out to “St. Vincent dePaul” and mail it to “St. Vincent dePaul, 1275 B Street, Davis CA 95616”.
Use BillPay, Popmoney, or Zelle.
Most banks and credit unions offer “BillPay”, “Popmoney”, or “Zelle” for personal money transfers. These are free and safe. And you can set them up to be one-time or recurring, such as monthly.
To send a check by BillPay, all you need is the same information needed for a check. See above. Your bank website will tell you how to have a check sent, usually for free.
For “Popmoney” or “Zelle” electronic transfers, do a search in your bank account’s website to see if it is available. After you set up Popmoney or Zelle on your financial institution’s website or app, all you need to transfer funds to St. Vincent dePaul in Davis is our email address -- Also email our Treasurer at to let her know it’s coming. Again, this can be one-time or recurring.
Donate a Car or Boat
Donate an unneeded car or boat. Contact our treasurer. Email
If you want a receipt or annual statement, email our treasurer at ST. JAMES PARISH DOES NOT PROVIDE RECEIPTS OR STATEMENTS FOR ST. VINCENT dePAUL DONATIONS.
The St. Vincent dePaul (SVdP) Conference in Davis, California is housed and sponsored by St. James Catholic Parish in Davis, but is financially separate with a different bank account and Tax ID Number. If you wish to donate to SVdP, you must specifically donate to it. Tax ID: 45-0492351. -- SC & JN 7-6-2020
Help us help others.
St. James Conference SVdeP Society,
Richard Hoenisch
If you would like to get involved and donate something more than money, donate your time!
Volunteer for some of our Committees:
-Home Visits
-Homeless Bags
-Mattress Ministry
-Summer Camp Ministry
-Hospitality, Donor Appreciation
-Faith-in-Action Sandwich-making
-Maryhouse Breakfasts
Yolo District Council David Burmester, President
Sacramento Diocese, Thrift Store ​
2275 Watt Avenue
Sacramento, California 95825
(Watt Avenue and Butano Drive)
Telephone: (916) 972-1212
Donation Hours: Everyday, 9am-5pm
Rochelle Rountree, Thrift Store Manager
Contact for Saint Vincent de Paul USA
Car Donation
Call: 1-800-322-8284
"Each vehicle donation helps SVDP USA provide developmental programs, food, water, and shelter to those in need. Make a difference today!"
They accept, cars, trucks, boats, trailers, motorcycles and more!
The St. James conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was established in 2003 to serve the poor and needy of our parish and our community.
Since its founding, the St. James conference has sponsored a number of special parish events each year including “A Different Kind of Paper Drive,” collecting paper goods to distribute to parishioners in need, and “Sock-It-To-Me-Sunday,” during which clean, new socks are collected for the needy and the homeless.
As part of our semi-annual food offertories, gather complete dinners-in-a-bag which we take to our clients when we visit them in their homes.
St. James Vincentians collaborate with local organizations and churches to serve the homeless and other needy people.
The primary work of the conference, however, is to provide assistance to members of our community who have experienced sudden, unforeseen emergencies. This assistance takes many forms, including help in food, lodging, and transportation or in, short-term, emergency financial support.
Join Us
The St. James Conference meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the St. Patrick Room of the Memorial Center.
Your cash donations to the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be put to use to help those who need our help.
Keep those to whom we minister in your prayers each day.
May 30
The Most Holy Trinity
We celebrate the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, the community of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, at a time when our national community, for the last year ripped apart by pandemic, political chaos, and economic disaster, is finally beginning to experience its first rays of hope. Still, we must not fall victim to the notion that life has returned to normal.
Even though Governor Newsom is moving toward fully opening our state, and even though Bishop Soto has modified the COVID precautions he originally announced for those attending Mass, and even though parishioners are no longer required to make appointments to attend Mass, the pandemic is not over yet and may not be so for some time. We must face the fact that less than 50% of Californians are fully vaccinated and many of those unvaccinated show no intention of doing so. The key to defeating this scourge is vaccination.
The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has stated that “All vaccinations recognized as clinically safe and effective can be used in good conscience. . .the morality of vaccination depends not only on the duty to protect one's own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good." Pope Francis, himself fully vaccinated, concurs: “[Vaccination] is the moral choice because it is about your life but also the lives of others.” Keep in mind that we see the face of Jesus in each of those we meet from day to day.
It is the responsibility of each follower of Jesus to care for all the Children of God. It is our duty to our sisters and brothers that we take the time and effort to become fully vaccinated.
For further information about our conference and its work, please contact our president, Dick Hoenisch, at
“‘I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’”
Matthew 25:35-36