St. James Catholic Church
Office- 530.756.3636
Fax - 530.756.5342
1275 B Street
Davis Ca 95616-2003
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8am-4:30 pm
Mass Ministries
Lectors (Ministers of the Word)- Lectores
People who have a love for the Bible, who enjoy speaking in public, and who have strong voices and clear articulation are invited to serve as Ministers of the Word. They proclaim the scriptures and read the prayers of the faithful during Saturday and Sunday masses.
Contact: Specific Mass lectors.
Fill your name into the roster of the Mass you attend and sign up to help at specific masses on the calendar
Altar Care- El cuidado del altar
Light housekeeping for the Lord is a small commitment that makes a huge contribution. Individuals, couples, students, and families make the decision to spend two hours beautifying the Lord's house once a year on a Friday or Saturday. We need your help and will train you.
Contact: Cathy Neff 530-758-1428
Altar Linen-
This ministry is a ministry that works from home. It focuses on helping keep all linens clean and ironed. It's only a few hours each week for 2 weeks for the year. training comes included.
Contact: Dortha Freeman 530-753-4479
Altar Servers- Acolitos
The altar server ministry gives the future of our church the unique opportunity to participate in the Mass and make it their own. We strive to create an atmosphere for these young people that will facilitate a desire for lifelong service to the church community.
Contact: Karey Spivey 530-867-0783
Eucharistic Ministers-Ministros de la Eucaristía
Assist at Mass with distribution of hosts or wine during the Communion part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Contact: Ministers at individual Masses. Fill your name into the roster of the Mass you attend and sign up to help at specific masses on the calendar
Lazarus Ministry- Ministerio de Lázaro
The Lazarus Ministry assists those mourning the loss of a loved one through prayerful participation and assistance at funeral liturgies. The presence of these ministers helps to make these liturgies beautiful tributes to those who have completed their earthly journeys
Contact: Uta Vigil (530)756-0141
Greeters come early for Mass and greet arriving parishioners, visitors and guests. The genuine smile and welcome that parishioners receive lets them know their presence is valued.
Contact: Greeters at individual Masses
This is the ministry of hospitality. Ushers come early to mass and help parishioners, visitors, and guests find a seat. The genuine smile and welcome that parishioners receive lets them know that their presence is valued.
Contact: Different for each Mass, contact at Mass